Category Archives: Corporate

Website Accessibility Lawsuits

Websites and mobile apps (collectively referred as “websites”) operated by businesses “open to the public” (or places of “public accommodation”) have consistently been required to comply with the American with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), meaning that they must make sure their websites are accessible to people with disabilities. While this has been true for many years, […]

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New CID Laws Summary – 2022

Governor Newsom signed a number of bills into law during the last calendar year that affect common interest developments (“CIDs”), such as homeowners associations and stock cooperative corporations.  The topics range from election by acclamation to rental restrictions to urban lot splits. Below is a summary of the three new laws in which we believe […]

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Start Right: Preparing to Sell Your Business from the Beginning

Preparing to sell your business when you first start may seem counterintuitive but doing so will greatly reduce the cost and stress later and will likely help you realize a higher valuation if you do decide to sell. Starting a business is exciting.  It’s also expensive. You’ve worked hard to save money to launch the […]

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Alert: Revised Statement of Information Forms for Corporations and Limited Liability Companies

Effective January 1, 2022, the California Secretary of State updated its Statement of Information forms for corporations and limited liability companies in response to Assembly Bill 3075. The revised Statement of Information forms require the filing party to certify whether any officer or any director (or member or manager for a limited liability company) has […]

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Beware Deceptive and Scam Solicitations!

If you have recently incorporated a business or filed for a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”), this may sound familiar… You receive a notice in the mail purportedly from an official state agency containing an official-looking seal, telling you that you need to file an annual report by a certain […]

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California Consumer Privacy Act

On the heels of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), California is rolling out its own revamped privacy legislation in the form of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (the “Act”). The Act will go into effect on January 1, 2020. Much like GDPR, the Act gives California residents certain additional rights in relation […]

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Personal Involvement and Liability of Officers and Directors When it Comes to Cyber Security

Directors and officers of corporations have, as most of you know, fiduciary duties to act in the best interest of the corporation. To meet these duties, officer and directors must exercise a high degree of care in the operation and management of the corporation, to avoid self-dealing, to be transparent and to generally act in […]

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Reverse Veil Piercing Gains New Life in the LLC Context

A recent California appellate court decision has ruled that reverse veil piercing is permitted in California in the context of limited liability companies. Practically speaking, this means that an LLC’s assets could potentially be at risk for an LLC member’s personal liability under the right circumstances. Most people are familiar with the concept of “piercing […]

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ALERT: GDPR Effective May 25, 2018

As we have written about previously, in 2016 the European Union (EU) approved a new privacy regulation called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It is a mandatory regulation that applies to all companies that collect the data and information of EU individuals. The GDPR expands the privacy rights granted to European individuals and requires […]

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Data Breach!

While we hear these words seemingly every day (and may becoming immune to their effects), the ramifications for the companies that suffer the breach have only become more severe and onerous. As more and more companies collect valuable, and often very personal, data about their customers, the issue of data privacy and security is expanding […]

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